Thursday 2 May 2013

1st May! Where has the year gone?

How is it May already? Where has the year gone? Will summer ever arrive?

I'm joining up with the small blog meet that Lily's quilts hosts because I'd love to think someone is actually reading my blog and I'm not talking to myself (which I'm fairly certain I am at the minute). hopefully with a few followers I'll remember to post more often on here although I've been good recently.

April has been a productive month for me, I finally finished quilting my friend's star quilt and I finished the tiny cathedral windows blocks I'd been working on. I made a bag out of a kit I bought from hobbycraft (you can never have too many bags!) And in the middle of all of that I managed to have 2 birthdays and a wedding anniversary happen!

I've yet to bind the star quilt, hopefully this weekend I can get that done. I'm also thinking of making a pincushion that's a cathedral window. I've found a blog with instructions so we'll see how that goes. Probably rather ambitious for the 1 day I have off. The joys of working in retail eh?

I've started work on a quilt for a friend's wedding and I have help from someone to make it although before last Sunday she'd never used a sewing machine before so we are having fun with me teaching her to sew.

Inspired by the Great British sewing bee I've started making a dress. Well, actually, I've traced and cut out a pattern to make a fake dress to get a practice run. I daren't make the real thing because I'm currently trying to do the Insanity workouts and hope to shift quite a few inches so I'll look good when I wear my dress I'll make :)

Oh, and yet again I gained some fabric... The tube map on and the apron one were a birthday present from my sister and the others were all acquisitions in the hobbycraft fabric sale. Amy Butler fabric at half price is too good to pass up and I'll find something to do with the rest.

Oh I've also spent most of this week being attacked by spiders. I've pulled one live one out my hair (dunno how that got in there at work), had one drop infront of my face when eating breakfast at work and had one fun at me in our house. I'm beginning to feel there is a spider conspiracy against me. I thought they were meant to go outside when the weather got warmer not appear near me?

Oh well. Hopefully I'll be posting next time with either a finished pincushion or a quilt that's finally been bound!

Lily's Quilts
Lily's Quilts
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  1. I too, am starting to make garmets again. Here in the U.S. you can get a thin interfacing weight material with a blue grid to transfer patterns. It is so thin ypu can put it on top of your pattern and trace over the lines!

  2. I've not seen any of that over here but we don't have the amount of fabric stores you guys seem to have over there. I shall have to get looking online because that sounds a lot easier!

  3. I also got that pattern and the GBSB book, inspired by the programme! All I have done so far is look at the pictures though! I'm much better at shopping for sewing equipment and fabric than actually getting anything done. Look forward to seeing how you get on with the frock.

    1. I'm not much better. I love gaining fabric. I just need to sit down and do something with it. My biggest problem with making a dress is choosing a new fabric to buy for it because I just have a rather large stash of fat quarters!

  4. I'm not into dressmaking as I'm too lazy to be accurate! Good luck with your dressmaking adventures. By the way, I love the way you use colour in your quilts.

  5. You're not talking to yourself! :) I love the stars quilt :) And I hope the spiders stay away!!

    1. Thanks :)
      Unfortunately the spiders haven't stayed away and another one snuck up on my at 3am today. I must research some spider keeping away devices.
