Thursday, 22 March 2012


No. I've not been busy sewing (although today I have). It's been manic at work and we've had loads of people off sick so I seem to be living there at the minute. Unfortunately being there that much and starting at 4am most days means I get home and just want to go to bed and not sew because I'm so tired.
Today my sister woke me from my sleep to help her make a costume for our book themed guide meeting next week. She going as the cat in a hat (my suggestion) so bought some felt, found a tutorial and expected me to make it magically turn into a hat! I left her to do the cutting and measuring and I just did the sewing and between us we ended up with a snazzy looking hat.
My sewing machine wasn't too happy with all that felt under the needle but then I remembered it had a built in duel feed so I got that started and off I went again with the sewing machine much happier with life. Yay.
Hopefully I can get some quilt sewing done soon now that things have calmed down a bit more at work.